Sunday 19 November 2006

In for a shilling in for a pound!!

Hi everyone.If you read my previous blog about the e-mail i received from e-bay then get this.I got another one today! This time the e-mail said that my account has been suspended for 7 days! They have said that im accused of shilling.Apparently shilling is the term used to denote the action of putting false bids on items purely to get the final price up..well as i said in my earlier post i havent used e-bay for over 6 months so my plea is "not guilty".The tell tell tale signs of this being a bogus e-mail.

1. No user name in the opening line!
2.No messages of the same type in the "My Messages" part on the actual site.
3.A suspect link to click on.

Unfortunately the e -mail had already been deleted from my mailbox so im not able to post a copy here! However i can assure you i did reply to the e-mail with the usual curses of modern society ..the sender was told where to go in no uncertain terms..Ok , i know it was bit childish ...but .... they started it!!

Im intrigued to see if they try another angle so i will be watching my mail box with avid interest in the next few days..

Needless to say ..i will keep you posted!

P.S. E-mail is my reply to it......#

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